The board
Board 2024-2025
Hey lieve Sapientjes,
Het bestuur voor het jaar 2024-2025 is officieel ingetreden en we zijn hyped voor het jaar dat voor ons ligt. We gaan dit jaar genoeg leuke borrels, interessante lezingen en gezellige samenkomsten organiseren dus hou de socials goed in de gaten! We stellen ons hier even voor.
Heb jij interesse om volgend studiejaar in het bestuur te komen of heb je er vragen over? Twijfel niet om ons te mailen, appen of dm’en!
Meet the board!

Joeri Peeters
Hi there fellow Sapientjes, I am Joeri Peeters, 4th year bachelor student and your proud new chairman for this year. Over the past 3 years Sapi has brought me many new friends, new ideas and a lot of joy; now I want to give something back to this wonderful association. I hope to see you all in person at our many activities, but if you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to send me a message!

Ziyal Hooijmaijers
Dear Sapientjes… Which will be the start of most of my messages to you guys! My name is Ziyal Hooijmaijers, and some of you may know me as past year’s secretary and PR-commissioner. This year, I am excited to focus on PR and keeping you up to date on all fun parties, interesting readings and exciting workshops. I am also the one to reach out to for any ideas that you want to share with us! So, don’t hesitate to send me a message or approach me at any event.

Samuel Jacobs
Hi hi, I'm Samuel Jacobs, 2nd year bachelor student and this year’s treasurer for Sapientia Ludenda. I am looking forward to this year with the study association as it has brought me a lot in companionship, karaoke songs and enticing conversations in the past. My goal is to make this year even better than the last and now I actually have a say in that. I hope to see you all soon in one of our upcoming activities.
Lisa Machielse
Hello! My name is Lisa Machielse and I am doing my masters in philosophy of humanity and culture. This year I will be the secretary of Sapi! I am looking forward to make a great year together with you and organize some fun activities. I hope to see you all there!
Commissioner of External Affairs:
Roy van der Kuylen
Hi everyone! My name is Roy van der Kuylen, and I’m excited to announce that I’ve taken on the role of Commissioner of External Affairs at SAPI. With passion and dedication, I’ll be working to strengthen our external relations and build meaningful partnerships that align with our mission. Together with the fantastic board of 5 members, we’re looking forward to making this year a great success. Let’s make 2024 a year to remember.